Rhinoplasty: Before and After Photos

Procedure: Rhinoplasty/Nose Surgery. Before and 1 week after septonasal reconstruction for crooked nose and difficulty breathing *Results may vary. Procedure: Nose Surgery. Before and after closed rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Before and 2 months after Scarless Rhinoplasty - side view Procedure: Rhinoplasty/Nose Surgery. 24 yo before and 2 months after Scarless Rhinoplasty *Results may vary. Before and 2 months after Scarless Rhinoplasty Procedure:Rhinoplasty/Nose Surgery. Before and 2 months after Scarless Rhinoplasty *Results may vary. Procedure: Nose Surgery. 24 year old before and after closed rhinoplasty (no scars.) *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. Before and after rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. 33 year old pre and 11 years post rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. 38 year old before and after Rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. 30 year old before and 2 months after rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. 30 year old before and 2 months after rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. Before and after rhinoplasty. *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed. Procedure: Nose Surgery. Before and 6 months after rhinoplasty (nose job). *Results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed.



Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

The nose is an extension of the face—the first thing one sees, but not the first thing one should notice. If your nose is out of proportion to your mid-face, this can be corrected. If you see your nose as too large or too wide, or if you’re just not happy with its appearance, you may be a candidate for rhinoplasty (plastic surgery of the nose). In addition, your nose may be crooked, or you may find it difficult to breathe through one or both nostrils. Nasal reconstructive surgery is frequently beneficial for these conditions.
During your consultation, your nasal structures and passages and the size and shape of your nose will be examined. Because it is important to develop a clear understanding of your needs and expectations, computer imaging will be used to facilitate an educated and comfortable decision about surgery.

At what age is rhinoplasty best performed?

The optimum time to reshape your nose is when you’re ready to take control of your appearance. Correction during the teenage years may be appropriate in certain cases. Many adults have disliked and felt embarrassed by the shape or size of their nose for years, but they may not have the nerve or the finances to undertake surgery until they’re over 70 years old! Set up a consultation to discuss the best option for you.

Does rhinoplasty leave scars?

The incisions used for rhinoplasty are usually concealed inside your nose; scars are therefore not visible. When an external incision is necessary, it can be hidden in the crease where the nostril meets the cheek.

How long will it take to recover?

Restricting physical activity for a day or two after surgery helps reduce bleeding and minimize swelling. Most bruising and discoloration disappears within a week; the rest can be concealed after a few days with makeup. Residual swelling can be expected to remain for several weeks, but this is usually not noticeable by others. Strenuous physical activity and contact sports should be avoided for four to six weeks to allow complete healing to take place.