
Dr. Copeland Presents to ASAPS Conference, April 2018 on Minimal Scar Breast Reduction

Dr. Michelle Copeland and Dr. Libby Copeland-Halperin presented findings on current trends in breast reduction techniques among board-certified plastic surgeons nationwide.  Based on survey results and breast reduction surgery on 145 patients, the study reported on scarring and other complications comparing the Lejour technique and other techniques that are associated with more scarring. […]

Find out how to get the Kris Jenner earlobe fix – just a quick visit with no downtime.

Find out how to get the Kris Jenner earlobe fix – quick visit with no downtime. As Kris Jenner finds on Keeping up with the Kardashians, elongated earlobes are a common problem as we age. Fortunately, this is an issue which can be easily addressed in a simple office procedure. Our before and after pictures show how droopy earlobes can be tightened and resized with no scarring, leaving earlobes ready to show off earrings in just a few weeks. […]

Six months after liposuction to reduce “cankles”

Our patient reports: “Dr. Copeland did an amazing job with my ankles and calves. I’m now 6 months after the surgery and I’m seeing my legs are looking much more toned and attractive. I’m finally able to wear my favorite gladiator shoes.” –26 year old 6 months after cankle liposuction Find out more about cankle liposuction. […]

“Highly recommended”

Dr. Copeland provides excellent information, advice according to my needs and situation and results are above expectation. Good staff, friendly and service-minded. Overall positive experience and highly recommended for both small and more invasive procedures. – 44 year old after cosmetic surgery and facial rejuvenation […]

Billboard Women in Music Awards gift bags

The Billboard Women in Music Awards Dr. Michelle Copeland Skin products were in the VIP gift bag at the Billboard Women in Music Awards honoring music industry leaders including Taylor Swift and Beyonce. […]

Britney’s Soaring Beauty Bill

Dr. Copeland comments on Britney Spears “Britney’s cheeks are fuller, her laugh lines softer and her upper lip plumper,” notes NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Michelle Copeland. “It looks like she’s getting injectable fillters in these areas.” […]

Inside Cosmetic Surgery Today

Dr. Copeland speaks with Dr. Barry Lycka on Dr Barry Lycka cosmetic dermatologist from Edmonton, Alberta talks with Dr Michelle Copeland board certified plastic surgeon from Manhattan, New York. “Today we are going to talk about one of the most common things that people are bothered about. If you are a young woman you have probably thought about this a couple of times in your life.We are talking about Breasts. They can be considered as being too large, too small, not perky enough–and many people really would like to get something done about it. We are talking once again with Dr Michelle […]

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